Online Sales Strategy for B2B Businesses

Online Sales Strategy for B2B Businesses

What is B2B sales? B2B sales, also known as business to business sales, refers to companies who primarily sell products and services to businesses, rather than direct to consumers (B2C). B2B sales typically have higher order values, longer sales cycles and are often...
Lessons Learned as an Entrepreneur

Lessons Learned as an Entrepreneur

The road of an entrepreneur is filled with both tough and instructive lessons. Entrepreneurs come from many walks of life, and they work in every industry, product category, generation, and culture. But what all of these entrepreneurs have in common is the steep...
Mindset, Relationship, and Communication

Mindset, Relationship, and Communication

What Is a Mindset? Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. A business mindset in our context is a way of thinking that enables you to uncover and...
Your mind matters! Make sure you get it right.

Your mind matters! Make sure you get it right.

Your Mindset Affects Every Aspect Of Your Life. So take care of your mind. Feed it valuable, life-changing information that will help you align with the person that you know you are. And the person you were born to be. Changing your thoughts and knowing that you are...
Positive Parenting with Crystal Haitsma

Positive Parenting with Crystal Haitsma

At some point in their lives, nearly all adults will become parents. While most of us aspire to be excellent parents, we may become irritated by the apparently never-ending obstacles of parenthood. As any parent of a toddler or a teenager will confirm, such...
15 Printables Product Ideas For Your Business

15 Printables Product Ideas For Your Business

A lot of entrepreneurs create and digital products, especially printables as a core part of their business product offering. What Are Printables? Printables are exactly like they sound; documents that can be printed and used by customers. Today, people need help...
How to Create a PR Strategy With Alessandra Pollina

How to Create a PR Strategy With Alessandra Pollina

Public relations defines how a company communicates with people – customers, prospects, partners, journalists, and more. Regardless of the size of your business, or which industry you’re in, you need a PR strategy. The key, however, is to develop a public...
How To Fail & Accept Your Failures Properly

How To Fail & Accept Your Failures Properly

It seems that failure is more visible than success. Or, at the very least, that’s how we see it. Every time we have an unconventional idea, we worry about it, try to avoid it, and question ourselves. However, the simple truth is that no great success has ever...

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