Don't be a slave to your business... Be its Master.


Reclaim your life from the clutches of never-ending tasks and operational chaos.

You started your service-based business with dreams of freedom and success, but now it feels like a relentless job that’s devouring your life. You’re submerged in ceaseless tasks, constantly firefighting, and your dream is slipping further away with each passing day. It’s lonely and overwhelming, and it’s not the way it was supposed to be.

At For Her Empire, we’ve walked in your shoes. We’ve felt the frustrations of managing a demanding service business – whether it’s a marketing agency, a professional firm, a creative studio, or a coaching and training enterprise. We’ve experienced the fatigue, the feeling of being shackled to a business that was supposed to set us free. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re here to flip the script.


Abbie Nwaocha, founder of For Her Empire

Picture your life running a service-based business with the freedom to lead, innovate, and grow without being weighed down by everyday tasks. Imagine reigniting the passion that first sparked your entrepreneurial journey. Visualize yourself finally living the dream you envisioned when you started your business.

That’s the transformation For Her Empire promises to service businesses like yours. Our specialized services – Implementation Consulting, Business Automation, Customized Service Plan, Strategy Development, and Training for Teams – are designed to untangle your operational mess, streamline your processes, and automate routine tasks.

Our goal is to free you from the trenches of daily operations so you can focus on leading your team, serving your clients, and doing what you truly love.


Abbie Nwaocha Media Press Features


Embark on a journey to freedom and fulfillment:

Discovery Call: It all begins with a conversation where we listen to your story, understand your challenges, and discuss how we can help.

Discovery Week: A deep-dive into your business to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

Three-Month Intensive: Prepare for radical change as we implement strategic plans, delegate tasks, monitor progress, or automate your operations.

One-Year Contract or Month-to-Month: The beginning of your new life. Lead your business, reclaim your freedom, and rediscover the joy of entrepreneurship.


I’m Abbie, the force behind For Her Empire. I’ve spent nearly a decade working closely with entrepreneurs, witnessing firsthand the overwhelming reality of a business that leaves no room for life outside of it.

I’ve seen passionate visionaries consumed by operational tasks, their original ambitions overshadowed by the day-to-day grind.

I’ve also watched close friends get so overwhelmed and consumed by their business, that they start doubting their vision, feasibility of their goals, and their abilities. And that’s why I started For Her Empire.

I’m on a mission to help business owners like you automate and streamline their operations, so that your business serves you, not enslaves you.

Together, let’s reclaim your passion, your vision, and yes, your life. Connect with me and let’s start your journey to freedom

Though our focus is now on business process automation and implementation consultancy, our roots are in empowering women in their entrepreneurship journey. Take a glimpse into the kind of transformation and clarity we’ve helped create.

I feel so privileged to have attended the Female Entrepreneur Startup live workshop, I feel like it was a divine intervention/ connection for me. I have really been trying to start my business but have been feeling overwhelmed with information that I was not quite able to put into action.

The live workshop was a very simple presentation but made a world of difference for me. It was so personalized and so special. The workshop gave me clarity on some issues that were not clear to me and now I feel ready to start my business.

Thank you so much Abbie for your selfless act to help other women learn and develop themselves.

May God bless your initiatives at For Her Empire.

Beth Mbugua

Licensed Nurse & Elderly Care Supplier

Abbie as a person is amazing and so is the workshop. I love how bubbly she is and how she makes sure people engage. This way she makes sure everyone walks away with tons of value after the workshop.

Besides all the useful information and mostly new information, Abbie helped me to get clear on my “WHY”. I’m super focused again and ready to rock. Thanks Abbie!!

Claudia Degen

Happiness Coach

Abbie is a marketing guru. I have attended several of her marketing classes and for sure she is equipped in building startups into big brands.

She is also a great Business Coach, and is knowledgeable about Business Strategy. Not to mention she very easy to talk to.

I recommend female entrepreneur to attend her coaching classes if you are looking to grow your business.

Patience Atsango

Branding & Sales Strategist

Abbie is amazing and insightful and a pleasure to work and collaborate with! She has an amazing mission to help and support Business Owners and I am so excited to be walking with her during this part of her journey!

Her positivity and drive shines through her mission! Thank you Abbie!

Jen Bilger

Leadership & Sales Coach


At For Her Empire, we’re not just about empowering business owners – we believe in uplifting communities as well. Our social responsibility initiatives are focused on creating a positive impact and driving change where it’s needed most. Join us in making a difference.

As a Nigerian currently living in Kenya, I have seen firsthand the need for the girl child to be educated, which is why we work with registered organizations and foundations in both countries that rescue girls from Female Early Marriage (FEM), *FGM, and Beading (Please Google this as it would be too upsetting to fully explain here.)


Stay updated with the latest insights and tips on business operations, automation, entrepreneurship, and more. Our content is carefully crafted to help you thrive in your business journey.

Should You Hire a Fractional Manager? Pros and Cons

Should You Hire a Fractional Manager? Pros and Cons

Like most Visionary Female Entrepreneurs, one of your biggest challenges is determining how to best allocate your limited time and resources. You can't do everything yourself, but hiring a full-time executive or management team isn't always feasible or necessary for...

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